Larry Walker by Mike Hudak
 Video duration: 7:03
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  Larry Walker
The Genesis of RangeNet

Raised in New Mexico, with much of his early life spent on ranches, Larry Walker seemed destined for a career involving livestock. So after a stint in the US Navy, Mr. Walker completed a bachelor’s degree in rangeland management at New Mexico State University. Following graduate coursework at Utah State University, he joined the Oregon BLM in 1971 as a range conservationist where he worked on ecological site inventories and rangeland monitoring, in addition to coordinating the agency’s pesticide and noxious weed efforts.

Subsequent to his retirement from BLM in 1997, Mr. Walker established the RangeBiome and RangeNet websites, along with several associated Internet discussions groups. Together these resources have greatly facilitated communication among individuals working to improve the environmental conditions on America’s livestock-grazed public lands.

In this video, Larry Walker describes the circumstances that led him to establish RangeBiome, RangeNet, and associated Internet discussion groups.

Recorded in August 2003. This video is an excerpt from Larry Walker’s interview in Western Turf Wars: The Politics of Public Lands Ranching.